Thursday 21 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 6

Spiritual Flavour
Our life on this earth is like a lightening that shines for a split second and then disappears. Let us hence shake of the dusts of sensual allurements from our hearts and fill them with spiritual flavour.

Scars into Stars
The backbone of your will if you keep unhurt and unbroken, you will be amazed at your miraculous ability to transform your ugly scars into lovely stars and brighten up your life with lilies of lasting joys.

Mahatma Gandhi
In your heroic love, I am delighted to see the enchanting grace of a rose that leaves its sweet fragrance even on the arms that nip her off from the embrace of her loving mother.

A Delicious Cake
It is the clouds grumble to step down from the luxury and glory of their heights, mankind would have perished long ago. May we learn from them the joy of service and the thrill of sacrifice and make our life a delicious cake of immense sweetness.

The Temple of Justice
A deep sense of justice is the temple, we must build within our hearts with the bricks of self sacrifice for the Lord of love and compassion to come in and radiate his peace.  

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