Friday 8 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 18

The Joy of Purity
The ostentatious colours of way side flowers if we prefer to the unassuming white of jasmine, we ought to forgo the fragrance of the latter, likewise, the glamours of the alluring world if we prefer to the unfading beauty of purity, we ought to forgo the joy and peace of the latter.

A Multitude of Successes
With the sweet fragrance of rectitude and the rich exuberance of child like attitude, we cannot be rise to an amazing altitude of mental aptitude and moral fortitude to harvest a surpassing multitude of surpassing successes.

The Fires of Social Injustice
At the altar of fright, when you butcher the lamb of your right, the devastating fires of social injustice unknowingly you light and the money might of those whose hearts are darker than night you lift up to an dances with surpassing delight.

The Peace of God’s Home
Shall we call God’s love a parachute, unfolding which we can land safely from any height of fear? Shall we call God’s love a life belt holding which we can cross safely any ocean of tension? Shall we call God’s love our drug tasting which we can crush the sting of any disease? Shall we call God’s love our life, living which we can fly back to the peace of his home?

The Scenes of Enchanting Beauty
A vigorous sense of justice has the charm of a perennial river on the banks of which the trees of our lives having taken deep roots with flowers of gorgeous colours and fruits of delicious tastes will ever remain scenes of enchanting beauty.

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