Saturday 16 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 1

The Beauties of Lasting Joy
May the embracing arms of God’s love at the dawn of your every today, wake you up to offer beauties of lasting joys and bath your hearts with perfumes of ravishing tranquility. May the active tongues of your dreams taste the honey of unhindered fulfillment and the magic powers of your positivism create within you permanent spring of colours and cheers.

The Beauty of God’s Love
The beauty of God’s love is a sight that can’t be surpassed a might, that can’t be measured a light, that can’t be extinguished a height, that can’t be overcome and a delight, that can’t be described.

Sweet Meats of Peace
Beautiful paths of justice when we follow, sweet meats of durable peace we will be lucky to swallow, able to crush under feet, the sting of any sorrow, we will have no fears to enter the corridor of every hidden tomorrow.

The Dark Chambers of Weaknesses
The dark chambers of weaknesses within the hearts of our neighbours and friends before we unlock the path of truth that we often talk, let us make sure if we try to walk.

No Price Tag for Joy
Joy is not a commodity that can be purchased or sold in a market with a price tag tied to it. It is a state of mind one can cultivate within oneself with right attitudes and experience its enthralling charms as abundantly as the stars in the sky.

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