Sunday 17 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 2

The Eden of Peace
The forbidden fruit of indiscipline so delicious in your teenage, if you refuse to taste, you will ever live in the Eden of perennial peace and surprising joy.

The Ring of Sharing
Apart from engagement ring and wedding ring, there is yet another ring that must be worn by all the married people; that ring is none other than the ring of sharing in the absence of which they will be forced to wear, the rough ring of suffering.

My Individuality
The weight of all the mountains in the world cannot crush my individuality. Its distinctiveness, appreciativeness, sportiveness, accommodativeness, assertiveness, progressiveness and creativeness have generated within me ceaseless waves of surprise and praise for the Lord who made it so well.

The Joy of my Death
The race of my life, I have run with the stamina of my faith in the loving Lord and the victory line of death that I have touched has given me the coveted shield of unending life with the living Lord.

Strong Umbrellas of Love
Strong umbrellas of love when God has given to every human being is it not a matter for loud laughter to see vast majority of people unwilling to unhold them and getting drenched in the torrential rains of suspicion and enmity. 

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