Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 4

A Sugarcane Heart
A heat that overflows with love and affection, even under the stress of humiliation, confrontation, rejection and dejection is like sugarcane that doesn’t give up its quality of being sweet even when it is crushed.

Happy Birthday
Every throb of your heart to chime out, a resounding melody of abounding joy and every uncertain buds of your desire to open out into an enduring ecstasy of fulfillment, I wish you and pray the loving Lord.

Feasts and Defeats
Feasts and defeats in the life of a person are like the keys white and black of a piano. A proper handling of both can make his life a pleasant music.

Joys and Sorrows
The mysterious distance between the cradle and the coffin, when we fill with the fragrance, we will be surprised to find, absolutely no difference between joys and sorrows.

Your Love we Implore
Like a lamb that runs to a pond to quench its thirst, like a child that runs to its mother to ensure protection, we rush to you O Lord to fill our hearts with your love, life, light and truth. 

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