Monday 18 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 3

Inner Tranquility
Inner tranquility is like a candle. After you light it, you must make sure the winds of disappointments, selfishness and maladjustments, do not blow it out.

The Birds of Anxiety
The birds of anxiety that chirp around you, you must not allow to perch upon your heads so that they may not find an opportunity to build nests and breed their species.

The Swing of Selfless Love
In the miraculous swing of selfless love, when I rock my dreams and desires, I get positively charged with the power of self confidence and soon I reduce to shambles every obstacle that obstructs my way and emerge a delightful spectacle of success in everything that I do.

The Perfume of Prayer
The nauseating stench of selfishness, back biting, pride, jealousy and hatred buzzes away from our hearts, when we are bathed in the perfume of spontaneous prayer.

Joy of a Home
Sacrifice is the pillow on which a mother rests her head, full of anxieties, tensions and worries to smile of innocent babies and radiate joy at home.

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