Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 11

The Lovely Arms of Justice
The lovely arms of justice with a relentless spirit of fidelity when we hold the paths that we tread cannot but glitter with silver and gold. Against the tyranny of injustice, our fingers when we raise most of us fail to know we defend justice and praise the loving Lord.

A Lamb at the Top of a Hill
The holy will of the Lord to fulfill, when you have an iron will and the barren lives of poor people with smiles to fill when you show goodwill, you shine a lamb at the top of a hill and the entire vicinity with flashes of peace and happiness in a beautiful way you fill.

A Fruit of Sin
Any money we earn without sweating for it is a fruit of sin and if we dare to taste it we cannot escape the gall of unending pain.

The Thirst of our Youth
The thirst of our youth for happiness may we be prompt to quench with the water of spiritual sensitivity, creativity, integrity, purity, amicability and availability for everyone in a relentless spirit of universal brotherhood.  

The Crane of Contentment
With the mighty crane of contentment, may we lift every load of greed away from our hearts and cultivate blossoms of peace and joy within and around. 

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