Monday 25 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 10

A Miraculous Pen
If you wish to succeed in your examination with colours brighter than rainbows please ensure confidence is your pen, presence of mind is the ink, relevance is the nib and clarity of thought is its sharpness.

Crosses into Roses
Shudders into ladders, huddles into saddles, crosses into Roses, defeats into feats, tears into cheers, pain into gains, scars into stars. You can convert if the iron forces of your self-respect and self confidence wake up and crush the frail forces of your self-pity and self condemnation.

The Festival of Lights
The glittering bubbles of joys that dance merrily at the fountains of untruth cannot escape being blown out by the powerful winds of truth. May the festive of lights that we look forward with its banquet of delight enlighten our hearts with this message of truths triumph over untruth so that we may evince remarkable valour in our battle against the fury of the latter’s tyranny.

The Pillow of Christ’s Love
Piercing winds of winter are the cloths that wrapped up the tender body of Jesus from whose shivers of heroic poverty came the showers of historic graces upon the whole humanity. On the beautiful pillow of his love when we rest our lives, he is sure to suck out the gall of our mundane worries and pour in the honey of his joy and serenity.

The Well being of our Heart and Soul
Like our selfish tongue that seeks its own tastes unconcerned about the health of our entire system may be alert to know our flesh craves for its own pleasures totally bind to the well being of our heart and soul. 

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