Thursday 28 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 13

The Kites of Our Lives
Heavy stones of pride and arrogance, since we had tied to the kites of our lives, our aspirations to fly high in the air of personal peace, joy and contentment, do not become realities.

The Joy of Selfishness
Your selfish thoughts and passions when you drive out, you make room within your minds and hearts for your friends and neighbours to walk in and share with you their joy warmth and affection.

Wings of Love
In the turbulent winds of selfishness since we have broken our wings of love, may we realize we are unable to fly off from the ravines of sensual thirst to the skies of spiritual gaieties.

The Best Form of Reproach
With warm overtures of unconditional love may we declare to the world a positive reproach is the best form of reproach that can pull back any arrogant feet that may stray away from the Lord’s way.

In Your Old Age
In the solitary garden of your old age, if you wish to pluck abundant roses of peace and joy why don’t you start tilling the land of your future with the plough of well planned saving?

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