Friday 1 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 14

A River in a Spate
A mind that nurtures hate is as cruel as a river in spate and the floods of its fury can annihilate the beauties of individual peace and communal harmony to an irretrievable state.

The Mirror of Genuine Criticism
Many a stinking dirt in our character we will be shocked to see if we dare to gaze ourselves at the mirror of genuine criticism that is offered by people around us.

Affection and not Afflictions
In a world that hides its vices in the sweetness of its voices, let us vow to generate affection and not fright cheer and not tear tranquility and not hostility.

A Unfailing Shelter
Like a tender sapling that knows not the scorching heat of the blazing sun when it is under its mother tree like a young chicken that fears not the searching eyes of the lowering eagle. When it is with its mother hen, we cannot experience either fear or pain. O Lord, when we take shelter under the soft wings of your love and mercy.

Castle of Joy
As endless as the waves on a seashore and as boundless as the universe, around us, you have been casting upon us, o gracious Lord. Your endearing looks of enduring love and building within us glittering castles of successes and joys. 

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