Sunday 24 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 9

The Chisel of our Optimism
Every kind hearted word of acceptance that we utter can furrow the groove of goodness that is inherent in every person and with the force of our open mindedness; we can place his cord of life back in its groove deepened and straightened by the chisel of our genuine optimism.

Self Purification
The disheveled hairs of inner disquietude may we learn to set right and beautify with the combs of self introspection, self determination, self negation and self purification.

The Wheels of our Life
The wheels of our life will ever remain at the starting point of the road to success and joy, if we don’t fill them with the air of positive thinking, self confidence and trust in the Lord.

A Burial for Egoism
All those who buried, the buried cannot escape being buried and yet our selfish attitudes of pride, greed, jealousy and hatred, we are reluctant to destroy and see them buried.

The World of Spirit
Living in the world and leaving the world make no difference for me since I have learnt from my scriptures not to cling to the dying world of matter but to cling to the living world of spirit.

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