Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 16

Lambs of Joy
From the full tank of an upright heart, fuels of love and kindness are bound to steadily flow and the lambs of joys within and without are sure to lusciously glow.

The Triumph of Truth
A deep sense of service founded on sacrifice can give us the invincible power of the risen Christ to challenge any form of decay and death and establish the triumph of truth on this beautiful earth.

Nelson Mandela
The thirst of mankind for freedom and personal dignity is burning within your heart with flames with no human force has dared to put out. The horrible darkness of apartheid cannot withstand the brightness of your loving heart and daring spirit to question inequality and enthrone justice. The pricking thorns of indignities and ignominies that are heaped upon your people, God will soon turn out into blossoms of equal rights and unbounded delights.

Your Battle Against Truth
Like a sorrowful mother who bids farewell to her young son who has been summoned by the army to participate in an emergency war, with tears in our eyes, we bid you farewell as you move out from your school to fight your battle against the tyranny of untruth and established the triumph of justice.

Your Forgiving Spirit
Your likes and dislikes in the pits of your forgiving spirit when you bury and hasten to love, even your enemy you shine as delightful as the twilight that spreads its mantle of beauty and tranquility not only on the good but also on the wicked. 

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