Tuesday 5 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 15

Attitude and Aptitudes
An unassuming mound of right attitudes can easily do what a mountain of arrogant aptitudes may fail to do. What the former can pierce our dreams even through rocks, the latter may invite rocks to crush our dreams.

The Dunghell of Untruth
The alluring smiles of warmth that bloom in the dunghill of untruth may we learn to identify and nip them in the bud of evade a fall heels over head into the ravines of irreparable ruin.

The Internal Leprosy
Feelings of mistrust and hatred vices of back biting and name killing, urges of selfishness and unfairness are the wounds of inter leprosy that bleed more profusely than the wounds of external leprosy.

Fortunes of Happiness
Fortunes of happiness, we can unearth within our hearts as abundantly as the sand on a sea shore if we use the magical spade of moral fortitude to embrace good and disgrace evil under all situations.

Your Parting Party
The colourful pictures of love and affection that you have painted within our memories with the brushes of your gratitude and unassuming attitude, we will ever remember with unparalleled joy.

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