Saturday 23 March 2013

Friday 8 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 18

The Joy of Purity
The ostentatious colours of way side flowers if we prefer to the unassuming white of jasmine, we ought to forgo the fragrance of the latter, likewise, the glamours of the alluring world if we prefer to the unfading beauty of purity, we ought to forgo the joy and peace of the latter.

A Multitude of Successes
With the sweet fragrance of rectitude and the rich exuberance of child like attitude, we cannot be rise to an amazing altitude of mental aptitude and moral fortitude to harvest a surpassing multitude of surpassing successes.

The Fires of Social Injustice
At the altar of fright, when you butcher the lamb of your right, the devastating fires of social injustice unknowingly you light and the money might of those whose hearts are darker than night you lift up to an dances with surpassing delight.

The Peace of God’s Home
Shall we call God’s love a parachute, unfolding which we can land safely from any height of fear? Shall we call God’s love a life belt holding which we can cross safely any ocean of tension? Shall we call God’s love our drug tasting which we can crush the sting of any disease? Shall we call God’s love our life, living which we can fly back to the peace of his home?

The Scenes of Enchanting Beauty
A vigorous sense of justice has the charm of a perennial river on the banks of which the trees of our lives having taken deep roots with flowers of gorgeous colours and fruits of delicious tastes will ever remain scenes of enchanting beauty.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 17

The Stars of Total Selflessness
Under the heavy stress of worldly desires, let us examine if we keep our heads pitiable bent towards the mud of selflessness instead of keeping them honourably elevated towards the stars of total selflessness.

Our School
With emotions of happiness and pride, I am delighted to call our school a beautiful nursery garden from where many a love sapling in its teenage we have planted in the Society to defuse kindness and refuse selfishness to light up justice to disseminate affection and annihilate affliction.

Your Biography of Love
May the sparkling beauty of your good will write in golden letters your biography of love, peace, joy, success and jubilation to be relished and cherished not only by you but also by every one whose hearts you can easily win with the magnets of your good qualities, unparalleled abilities daring aptitude and endearing attitudes.

Lion of Ego – Centred Thoughts
Thick jungles of desires if we create within our hearts the blood thirsty lions of ego centred thoughts are bound to lie in ambush and devour the grace filled lambs of kindness, uprightness, forgiveness, humanness and large heartedness.

Fabrics of Peace and Joy
Within the beautiful homes of your heart, if you allow the rats of pride, jealousy and selfishness to dwell, they are sure to eat away your pretty fabrics of peace, contentment and happiness.  

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 16

Lambs of Joy
From the full tank of an upright heart, fuels of love and kindness are bound to steadily flow and the lambs of joys within and without are sure to lusciously glow.

The Triumph of Truth
A deep sense of service founded on sacrifice can give us the invincible power of the risen Christ to challenge any form of decay and death and establish the triumph of truth on this beautiful earth.

Nelson Mandela
The thirst of mankind for freedom and personal dignity is burning within your heart with flames with no human force has dared to put out. The horrible darkness of apartheid cannot withstand the brightness of your loving heart and daring spirit to question inequality and enthrone justice. The pricking thorns of indignities and ignominies that are heaped upon your people, God will soon turn out into blossoms of equal rights and unbounded delights.

Your Battle Against Truth
Like a sorrowful mother who bids farewell to her young son who has been summoned by the army to participate in an emergency war, with tears in our eyes, we bid you farewell as you move out from your school to fight your battle against the tyranny of untruth and established the triumph of justice.

Your Forgiving Spirit
Your likes and dislikes in the pits of your forgiving spirit when you bury and hasten to love, even your enemy you shine as delightful as the twilight that spreads its mantle of beauty and tranquility not only on the good but also on the wicked. 

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 15

Attitude and Aptitudes
An unassuming mound of right attitudes can easily do what a mountain of arrogant aptitudes may fail to do. What the former can pierce our dreams even through rocks, the latter may invite rocks to crush our dreams.

The Dunghell of Untruth
The alluring smiles of warmth that bloom in the dunghill of untruth may we learn to identify and nip them in the bud of evade a fall heels over head into the ravines of irreparable ruin.

The Internal Leprosy
Feelings of mistrust and hatred vices of back biting and name killing, urges of selfishness and unfairness are the wounds of inter leprosy that bleed more profusely than the wounds of external leprosy.

Fortunes of Happiness
Fortunes of happiness, we can unearth within our hearts as abundantly as the sand on a sea shore if we use the magical spade of moral fortitude to embrace good and disgrace evil under all situations.

Your Parting Party
The colourful pictures of love and affection that you have painted within our memories with the brushes of your gratitude and unassuming attitude, we will ever remember with unparalleled joy.

Friday 1 March 2013

Sweet Reflections 14

A River in a Spate
A mind that nurtures hate is as cruel as a river in spate and the floods of its fury can annihilate the beauties of individual peace and communal harmony to an irretrievable state.

The Mirror of Genuine Criticism
Many a stinking dirt in our character we will be shocked to see if we dare to gaze ourselves at the mirror of genuine criticism that is offered by people around us.

Affection and not Afflictions
In a world that hides its vices in the sweetness of its voices, let us vow to generate affection and not fright cheer and not tear tranquility and not hostility.

A Unfailing Shelter
Like a tender sapling that knows not the scorching heat of the blazing sun when it is under its mother tree like a young chicken that fears not the searching eyes of the lowering eagle. When it is with its mother hen, we cannot experience either fear or pain. O Lord, when we take shelter under the soft wings of your love and mercy.

Castle of Joy
As endless as the waves on a seashore and as boundless as the universe, around us, you have been casting upon us, o gracious Lord. Your endearing looks of enduring love and building within us glittering castles of successes and joys. 

Thursday 28 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 13

The Kites of Our Lives
Heavy stones of pride and arrogance, since we had tied to the kites of our lives, our aspirations to fly high in the air of personal peace, joy and contentment, do not become realities.

The Joy of Selfishness
Your selfish thoughts and passions when you drive out, you make room within your minds and hearts for your friends and neighbours to walk in and share with you their joy warmth and affection.

Wings of Love
In the turbulent winds of selfishness since we have broken our wings of love, may we realize we are unable to fly off from the ravines of sensual thirst to the skies of spiritual gaieties.

The Best Form of Reproach
With warm overtures of unconditional love may we declare to the world a positive reproach is the best form of reproach that can pull back any arrogant feet that may stray away from the Lord’s way.

In Your Old Age
In the solitary garden of your old age, if you wish to pluck abundant roses of peace and joy why don’t you start tilling the land of your future with the plough of well planned saving?