Thursday 28 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 13

The Kites of Our Lives
Heavy stones of pride and arrogance, since we had tied to the kites of our lives, our aspirations to fly high in the air of personal peace, joy and contentment, do not become realities.

The Joy of Selfishness
Your selfish thoughts and passions when you drive out, you make room within your minds and hearts for your friends and neighbours to walk in and share with you their joy warmth and affection.

Wings of Love
In the turbulent winds of selfishness since we have broken our wings of love, may we realize we are unable to fly off from the ravines of sensual thirst to the skies of spiritual gaieties.

The Best Form of Reproach
With warm overtures of unconditional love may we declare to the world a positive reproach is the best form of reproach that can pull back any arrogant feet that may stray away from the Lord’s way.

In Your Old Age
In the solitary garden of your old age, if you wish to pluck abundant roses of peace and joy why don’t you start tilling the land of your future with the plough of well planned saving?

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 12

A Channel of God’s Love
A channel of God’s love, we flow into the parched lands of our human family. When we wipe out the tears of the abandoned, the condemned, the misunderstood, the exploited and the humiliated with our smiles of fondness and fairness, caring and sharing, appreciation and affection.

The Joy of Our Future
May we learn to build the joy of our future not on the bubbles of selfishness, fear and dishonesty but on the rocks of selflessness, honour and integrity.

The Wicks of Lamps
Like the wicks of lamps that shine at the expense of oil I am in tears to see the rich thrive at the expense of the poor.

Your Candles of Smile
The candles of smile that you light have flooded my paths with lights of wisdom and delights of freedom, to seek the unsought, to fight the unfought, to try the untried, to find the unfound and fill our home with the fragrance of love, success, joy and understanding.

Heart of the Department
What the brilliant heads fail to do affectionate and understanding hearts find it easy to do more than the cleverness of the mind, it is the humanness of the heart that is able to lead people in an effective manner. Hence, instead of saying head of the department why don’t we say heart of the department?

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 11

The Lovely Arms of Justice
The lovely arms of justice with a relentless spirit of fidelity when we hold the paths that we tread cannot but glitter with silver and gold. Against the tyranny of injustice, our fingers when we raise most of us fail to know we defend justice and praise the loving Lord.

A Lamb at the Top of a Hill
The holy will of the Lord to fulfill, when you have an iron will and the barren lives of poor people with smiles to fill when you show goodwill, you shine a lamb at the top of a hill and the entire vicinity with flashes of peace and happiness in a beautiful way you fill.

A Fruit of Sin
Any money we earn without sweating for it is a fruit of sin and if we dare to taste it we cannot escape the gall of unending pain.

The Thirst of our Youth
The thirst of our youth for happiness may we be prompt to quench with the water of spiritual sensitivity, creativity, integrity, purity, amicability and availability for everyone in a relentless spirit of universal brotherhood.  

The Crane of Contentment
With the mighty crane of contentment, may we lift every load of greed away from our hearts and cultivate blossoms of peace and joy within and around. 

Monday 25 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 10

A Miraculous Pen
If you wish to succeed in your examination with colours brighter than rainbows please ensure confidence is your pen, presence of mind is the ink, relevance is the nib and clarity of thought is its sharpness.

Crosses into Roses
Shudders into ladders, huddles into saddles, crosses into Roses, defeats into feats, tears into cheers, pain into gains, scars into stars. You can convert if the iron forces of your self-respect and self confidence wake up and crush the frail forces of your self-pity and self condemnation.

The Festival of Lights
The glittering bubbles of joys that dance merrily at the fountains of untruth cannot escape being blown out by the powerful winds of truth. May the festive of lights that we look forward with its banquet of delight enlighten our hearts with this message of truths triumph over untruth so that we may evince remarkable valour in our battle against the fury of the latter’s tyranny.

The Pillow of Christ’s Love
Piercing winds of winter are the cloths that wrapped up the tender body of Jesus from whose shivers of heroic poverty came the showers of historic graces upon the whole humanity. On the beautiful pillow of his love when we rest our lives, he is sure to suck out the gall of our mundane worries and pour in the honey of his joy and serenity.

The Well being of our Heart and Soul
Like our selfish tongue that seeks its own tastes unconcerned about the health of our entire system may be alert to know our flesh craves for its own pleasures totally bind to the well being of our heart and soul. 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 9

The Chisel of our Optimism
Every kind hearted word of acceptance that we utter can furrow the groove of goodness that is inherent in every person and with the force of our open mindedness; we can place his cord of life back in its groove deepened and straightened by the chisel of our genuine optimism.

Self Purification
The disheveled hairs of inner disquietude may we learn to set right and beautify with the combs of self introspection, self determination, self negation and self purification.

The Wheels of our Life
The wheels of our life will ever remain at the starting point of the road to success and joy, if we don’t fill them with the air of positive thinking, self confidence and trust in the Lord.

A Burial for Egoism
All those who buried, the buried cannot escape being buried and yet our selfish attitudes of pride, greed, jealousy and hatred, we are reluctant to destroy and see them buried.

The World of Spirit
Living in the world and leaving the world make no difference for me since I have learnt from my scriptures not to cling to the dying world of matter but to cling to the living world of spirit.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 8

Mother Teresa
The beautiful stream of your love and kindness flows down into the hot deserts of human sorrows and transforms them into green fields of unspeakable joy. Your smiles of peace and hope put down the fire of grief and despair, within the hearts of those who suffer the pain of rejections. The brush of your life, since you dip into the colours of your unselfishness, you are able to paint beauties of peace, hope and joy within the hearts of the hunger stricken. The flickering flames of human dignity, may the breezes of your love rekindle and rejuvenate to make life for every human being a journey of happiness. May the deliciousness with which your thoughts, words and deeds are clothed, reach the tongue of every human heart that has at its door, nothing but bitterness. May the world be lucky to have you on her lap for many more years so that you may continue to reflect the light of God’s love upon her entire face.

An Unfair Attitude
Lads are contained in ladies, male is contained in female, man is contained in women, he is contained in she but alas, in many, a home by the whims and fancies of man and woman is constrained.

The Darkness of Prejudice
In the darkness of prejudice, if you say open your eyes of love and good will, what else can see except darkness?

A Grateful Heart
From the inner depths of a grateful heart that is graceful and truthful sparks of positivism glow forth to vanquish the deadly darkness of negativism and fill mankind with the fragrance of peace, hope and joy.

Apple of Politeness
Apple of politeness and kindness when we live, we are sure to find a place of honor on the dining tables of people’s love acceptance reverence warmth and affection. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 7

Life’s Uncertainty
Every bit of my heart tells me I have already moved one step closer to my grave and the unstable shapes of the clouds above my lead with a sarcastic laugh remind me about the uncertainty of the ensuring minute.

Competence and Confidence
More than competence what you need is confidence. With the complacency of the former what you may fail to achieve with the consistency of the latter, you can’t but achieve.

The Breaks of Moderation
Into a drop of honey, if an ant falls, it will enjoy itself. But the same ant if it falls into a pot of honey, it will destroy itself. Hence, let us be wise to apply the brakes of moderation when we seek the pleasures of this world with reckless speed and boundless greed.

Life Principle of Love
A life principle of love is the star that will lead us to the manger of Christ humility from where our vibrant breaths of truthful living can sweep off the stench of greed that may trap us into whirlpools of tears.

Self Denigration
Nothing in the world can upset the cart of your peace on the uneven road of your life as certainly as self doubt, self pity, self hate, self curse and self denigration. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 6

Spiritual Flavour
Our life on this earth is like a lightening that shines for a split second and then disappears. Let us hence shake of the dusts of sensual allurements from our hearts and fill them with spiritual flavour.

Scars into Stars
The backbone of your will if you keep unhurt and unbroken, you will be amazed at your miraculous ability to transform your ugly scars into lovely stars and brighten up your life with lilies of lasting joys.

Mahatma Gandhi
In your heroic love, I am delighted to see the enchanting grace of a rose that leaves its sweet fragrance even on the arms that nip her off from the embrace of her loving mother.

A Delicious Cake
It is the clouds grumble to step down from the luxury and glory of their heights, mankind would have perished long ago. May we learn from them the joy of service and the thrill of sacrifice and make our life a delicious cake of immense sweetness.

The Temple of Justice
A deep sense of justice is the temple, we must build within our hearts with the bricks of self sacrifice for the Lord of love and compassion to come in and radiate his peace.  

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 5

A Fitting Worship
With the fuel of love and sacrifice when we light the lamps of our lives and give our flames of uprightness and large-heartedness, forgiveness and duty-mindedness, truthfulness and helpfulness in a fitting manner, we praise and worship the Lord.

Our Spiritual Eyes
As inseparable as a rose and its fragrance, a word and its meaning, an engine and its fuel, love of God and love of neighbor are the two eyes that give us the spiritual vision of concentrating upon the single goal of fulfilling God’s will.

A Breeze of Love
Like the lovely moon that needs neither jewellery nor flattery to enhance its beauty, a breeze of love, you move on clasping my arms and my entire self firmly and fondly along the road of indescribable joy.

Fingers of Self Control
Fingers of self-control, if we lose to a desperate state of helplessness, we will fall a prey and the fine music of peace and contentment on the piano of our life, we cannot hope to play.

Eyes of Optimism
With the powerful eyes of optimism may we try to discover beneath the hard looks of people, the softness, the whiteness and the richness of an egg that remain hidden within its hard shell. 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 4

A Sugarcane Heart
A heat that overflows with love and affection, even under the stress of humiliation, confrontation, rejection and dejection is like sugarcane that doesn’t give up its quality of being sweet even when it is crushed.

Happy Birthday
Every throb of your heart to chime out, a resounding melody of abounding joy and every uncertain buds of your desire to open out into an enduring ecstasy of fulfillment, I wish you and pray the loving Lord.

Feasts and Defeats
Feasts and defeats in the life of a person are like the keys white and black of a piano. A proper handling of both can make his life a pleasant music.

Joys and Sorrows
The mysterious distance between the cradle and the coffin, when we fill with the fragrance, we will be surprised to find, absolutely no difference between joys and sorrows.

Your Love we Implore
Like a lamb that runs to a pond to quench its thirst, like a child that runs to its mother to ensure protection, we rush to you O Lord to fill our hearts with your love, life, light and truth. 

Monday 18 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 3

Inner Tranquility
Inner tranquility is like a candle. After you light it, you must make sure the winds of disappointments, selfishness and maladjustments, do not blow it out.

The Birds of Anxiety
The birds of anxiety that chirp around you, you must not allow to perch upon your heads so that they may not find an opportunity to build nests and breed their species.

The Swing of Selfless Love
In the miraculous swing of selfless love, when I rock my dreams and desires, I get positively charged with the power of self confidence and soon I reduce to shambles every obstacle that obstructs my way and emerge a delightful spectacle of success in everything that I do.

The Perfume of Prayer
The nauseating stench of selfishness, back biting, pride, jealousy and hatred buzzes away from our hearts, when we are bathed in the perfume of spontaneous prayer.

Joy of a Home
Sacrifice is the pillow on which a mother rests her head, full of anxieties, tensions and worries to smile of innocent babies and radiate joy at home.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 2

The Eden of Peace
The forbidden fruit of indiscipline so delicious in your teenage, if you refuse to taste, you will ever live in the Eden of perennial peace and surprising joy.

The Ring of Sharing
Apart from engagement ring and wedding ring, there is yet another ring that must be worn by all the married people; that ring is none other than the ring of sharing in the absence of which they will be forced to wear, the rough ring of suffering.

My Individuality
The weight of all the mountains in the world cannot crush my individuality. Its distinctiveness, appreciativeness, sportiveness, accommodativeness, assertiveness, progressiveness and creativeness have generated within me ceaseless waves of surprise and praise for the Lord who made it so well.

The Joy of my Death
The race of my life, I have run with the stamina of my faith in the loving Lord and the victory line of death that I have touched has given me the coveted shield of unending life with the living Lord.

Strong Umbrellas of Love
Strong umbrellas of love when God has given to every human being is it not a matter for loud laughter to see vast majority of people unwilling to unhold them and getting drenched in the torrential rains of suspicion and enmity. 

Saturday 16 February 2013

Sweet Reflections 1

The Beauties of Lasting Joy
May the embracing arms of God’s love at the dawn of your every today, wake you up to offer beauties of lasting joys and bath your hearts with perfumes of ravishing tranquility. May the active tongues of your dreams taste the honey of unhindered fulfillment and the magic powers of your positivism create within you permanent spring of colours and cheers.

The Beauty of God’s Love
The beauty of God’s love is a sight that can’t be surpassed a might, that can’t be measured a light, that can’t be extinguished a height, that can’t be overcome and a delight, that can’t be described.

Sweet Meats of Peace
Beautiful paths of justice when we follow, sweet meats of durable peace we will be lucky to swallow, able to crush under feet, the sting of any sorrow, we will have no fears to enter the corridor of every hidden tomorrow.

The Dark Chambers of Weaknesses
The dark chambers of weaknesses within the hearts of our neighbours and friends before we unlock the path of truth that we often talk, let us make sure if we try to walk.

No Price Tag for Joy
Joy is not a commodity that can be purchased or sold in a market with a price tag tied to it. It is a state of mind one can cultivate within oneself with right attitudes and experience its enthralling charms as abundantly as the stars in the sky.